Ouch! Be Gone All Natural Healing Salve Mother Earth's Neosporin
This is a staple in our house!! It literally is Mother Earth's Neosporin!! Great for adults, kids, dogs and horses..... It's best not to use on cats ( most are sensitive to tea tree oil) We suggest our Colloidal Silver for Cats.
For cuts and scrapes, burns or anything that needs healing and protection.
This blend contains both bees wax and coconut oil to form a natural band-aid and hold the medicinal oils in place. We have added colloidal silver to the salve which has been known to kill over 600 different pathogens. Along with traditional tea tree oil, lavender oil and organic which hazel to aid healing.
We have used this blend on our family and here at the ranch for many years with awesome success, even on massive wire cuts on the horses! Cut paws on the dogs and cut hands on us!!! It's a must have in any medicine cabinet!
Heals with almost no scaring too!
Ouch B Gone
This works! Love it! NIce smell and consistency And helps heal any bites or scrapes.. ❤️